January 12, 2012

Dream CIX

I was having a nap on the couch next to my cat. I'd actually fallen into a deep sleep, so I didn't hear when my brother's car drove up. He flung open the side door and yelled, "Why aren't more lights on?"

I woke up, and tried to explain that I was trying to save electricity, but he was in a boisterous good mood and had brought his wife and small daughter along. I knew his daughter loved my cat, but my cat was skittish, so I looked, and my cat was gone from the couch...probably hiding under some furniture.

This was good, because my brother had also brought their newest pet...a small orange tabby kitten. He was not only small and orange, but very, very feisty. When I tried to pet him, he bit and clawed at me, though in a good-natured way, as kittens tend to do.

However, he also peed everywhere. I was constantly finding cool pools of dampness, usually by putting my hand where I expected to find my own cat.

At one point, my brother's step-son flung open the front door and said, "Hey, I'm here!" He was expecting some kind of big welcome, and I told him, "Come on in, everyone's here." But I was worried.

He'd had the front door open for a long time, and I knew my cat was uncomfortable...and I was worried that she would run out the front door when no one was there. I would miss her terribly.

My brother's wife and step-daughter were talking about the "chocolate foot" treat, which was supposed to be a ruler-shaped piece of chocolate 12 inches long. But from what they said, it was more like 30 inches, or even more.

I tried to enter the conversation, but I was distracted by the thought of my cat alone and outside.


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