Dream CXXV
I was controlling one of several orbiting space probes, making it do various routine scheduled tasks (unloading freight, refueling, minor repairs, etc). I had failed to properly notch each of the tasks on the board, however, and the lights on the display still showed red. I pointed this out to my superiors but they pointed out in turn that the next time my schedule came up, all the lights would flip properly, so nothing to worry about.
I then drove to the airport to pick up a trio of well known jazz musicians (Miles, Dave, Andy) who were due to play a concert tonight in one of the smaller, more weatherbeaten towns. I drove them to the hotel where they would be playing later that night and we had a nice conversation. One of the local “good time” gals joined us and contributed to the conversation.
I asked when the concert was going to be held, and she said “9, 9:15, around that time.” Since that was several hours away, I said I might as well get something to eat beforehand, then.
One of the musicians noted that there was a decent restaurant about two miles back up the road. I started to walk up that way, with the woman (who I will call Donna) following me. I said, “Heck, I might as well drive,” and turned around. I asked Donna if she’d like to go along. She took my arm and smiled.
When we got to the restaurant, we sat in the waiting room while they got our table ready. Another couple arrived, laughing and in good spirits.
I needed to use the rest room. Since it had no door, I had to wrap the walls (thin corrugated metal) around myself for privacy. When I had nearly completed this, I noticed there was a woman already seated inside. I apologized and made ready to depart, but she stood instead and said I should go first.
While I was urinating, all three of the women gathered around to take a look. They seemed satisfied.
I thought it would be nice to clean the bathroom, and while I was doing so the third woman appeared again and asked how long she thought it might be before the bathroom was free. She explained that the restaurant owner’s daughter needed to dress herself for bed, and she couldn’t put on her “256’s” (pajamas) on unless she had privacy. I decided the bathroom was clean enough at that point and left it.
Donna took my arm again, and we left the restaurant to attend the concert.
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