January 15, 2016


I was on a bridge in the Japanese islands, leading from a town built at the same height at the bridge.  The bridge itself extended for some distance, finally losing itself in the horizon. 

I was contemplating cross the bridge when I aw a Tsunami approaching in the distance.  It was moving at a frightening speed.

I started to sound the alarm, trying to get everyone to safety.  I knew it was too late to abandon the village, so I gathered everyone together and shouted, "I only speak English, does anyone else speak English?"  Several people said that they did, so I told them to try and get everyone into the most solid structures in the town.  People began moving in slow masses toward shelter.

I knew I had family nearby, perhaps on one of the upper levels of the village.  I started to check the bookstores, looking through vast aisles crowded with books.

Finally I came to the far end of the level I was on.  I looked up, and knew I have to climb to get into the layers where I was more likely to find someone.

I began to climb and made my way to an upper level.  I knew there were many, many more levels to climb.

I chanced to look up again, and saw a garbage truck collapsing in the level just above me.  I saw massive amounts of garbage (including cement blocks and water heaters) falling directly on me.  There was no way I could escape.

I shouted out, "I'm going to be killed!" but the garbage fell all around me instead.  I didn't know what to feel, what to hope.  I looked at my phone, and could see signals from my family.

Thank goodness, I thought, and closed my eyes.


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