I was sent out of the office to fix a computer problem in one of the satellite offices. Walking out on the way to my car, I had to go through a narrow stone tunnel; a woman with a very large purple coat was going in the opposite direction on the same path; her coat was so large that I had to back out so she could pass. The grass beside the path was very wet and I wanted to be generous.
I then passed through the tunnel and emerged into a grassy courtyard with a path. Soon after, the woman also emerged with two large dogs. I stooped to pet one of them and dropped my phone into a shallow pit I hadn't noticed; it smashed pretty spectacularly but I was able to use its case to hold its parts together. The only problem was that the screen was not reliable.
The woman said I could try to repair it at her house, which was at the other end of the courtyard. I followed her.
Her house was fairly large but not very well kept. There were boxes, toys and various bits of clothing all over. It also turned out that she had a lot of dogs of varying sizes and, surprisingly, my first cat Thera was staying there.
I mistakenly called her "Leela" and the woman repeated it. I told her the cat's history and she mentioned that she would be in trouble if Thera kept stealing food. I mentioned that she was about 16 or maybe 20 years old.
I couldn't do much to repair my phone, and the woman mentioned that hers was broken as well--specifically, the camera function. I offered to help fix it, but found the interface baffling.
As I looked around the house, it seemed to me there were other people in the other rooms; it was hard to tell because the rooms were so shadowy. But I kept seeing eyes and faces melting into the shadows.
The woman said she would get her fingerprint "ready" for the phone, and she returned with a device that had a large illuminated dial covered with a cloth mesh; it was hot to the touch. I showed her some alcohol pads to clean her finger, but she laughed and said she used the device; she pressed her index fingertip against it, and it came away pure white; I then rubbed it with alcohol which she said was a mistake, and she'd have to do it again. She frowned at me.
When she went off, I started to look at her camera. I got it ready to take a photo, but pressed a wrong arrow and began scrolling through the photos on the camera.
There were many photos of friends, and I'm pretty sure a man who was her husband. They were in various states of undress. I didn't want to look, so I tried to scroll back but just made the pictures move faster.
I went to find her, and looked into a dark room. Lying in bed was the man I thought was her husband; he was covered with sores and skin growths and seemed unconscious. Other rooms seemed to have young women with children, but it was hard to tell.
I went back to my chair and sat. She came back out wearing a negligee carrying twins. In the few glimpses I had of her skin, it was the same as the man's--covered with growths and warts.
She deftly juggled the babies and presented them to me. They had nests of blue veins covering their chests, and other areas of blue veins had clumped together and formed tentacle-like projections.
They were both screaming at the top of their lungs, and I wanted her to do whatever she needed to do to quiet them.
The sound became deafening.
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