July 18, 2020

Dream CCXI

The world had been overrun by voracious alien monsters, and most cities and buildings lay in ruins.

I was with a small band of survivors, moving from one ruined location to another, trying to avoid the roaming monsters.  Since the creatures tended to stay on the ground, finding an intact building with more than one story was a treasure.  A few hours in the upper floors was a way to grabbing some happiness.  It was life of a sort

The creatures hunted by sound, and moved across the land single file.  Several groups of survivors were able to move with the creatures, mimicking their motions, and thus appearing to be part of the herd.  This was pretty risky, however.

We had several children in the group, and one girl loudly insisted that a party be held for her.  She and another child moved a table into place, scraping against the wooden foundation.  Many people joked that she should be punished for making noise, thus endangering us all.  But the party went ahead.

When the party was in full swing, I happened to glance down the road and saw several creatures approaching in their odd single file.  "The monsters are coming!" I yelled, and people began scattering.

I took refuge under an old ruined stairwell, behind the wrecked framework of a door.  Somehow an old video machine got knocked over, and it began playing an old Ken Russell film about a monk who became the Pope.  I reached toward the sound to try and turn if off, but couldn't reach it.

Just then a creature slipped under the stair, and put its face through the ruined door.  I could smell its breath and held as still as I could.

It reached forward and poked my upper lip with its claw.  I thought, I'm dead, and promptly fainted.

The next thing I remember was waking up in the same place with several of the group asking me how I was doing.


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