August 25, 2022


I was a member of an intelligence group during World War II.  We had a particular mission to gather information from a particular nation, and I was paired with a recently-hired female agent.  We were to be launched in mini-submarines toward the coast; she was to go in shallow waters, I was to go in the deep waters.  

We were placed in a kind of honeycomb structure.  I was launched and immediately went into a swarm of jellyfish.  They clogged the mechanism of my sub, which sank.  I launched myself from the sub and swam to shore.  I needed to get to the other side of the country to be picked up, but fortunately the country was only about a mile wide.  At my return, I was told my female counterpart was also unsuccessful.

Later, we were to play the part of an engaged couple and checked into a hotel.  Because we weren’t yet married, we had to stay in separate rooms.  I was in Room 807; she was in 703.  We were in her room, trying to plan a sight-seeing tour of the city, and were speaking to one of the hotel staff.  He seemed very reluctant to give any information, though he was delighted when we were able to trick information out of him.

On a later mission, we played a married couple and got a single room with twin beds.  A fellow agent stopped by the room when she was out; he looked over the beds, and said (with a smirk) that perhaps resources could be saved here.  He was implying that she and I should be sleeping in the same bed.

I replied that, while I found her to be very attractive, I hardly knew her and thought it would be inappropriate anyway.  His answer seemed to be that he might make a play for her.

Later, when she and I were out together, I happened to mention that the agent had stopped by.  She made a disgusted look and said she found him repulsive.  I smiled inwardly.


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