June 06, 2012

Dream CXIV

I was a cast member on the sitcom, "Two and a half men."  On the show, Chloris Leachman had somehow gained mental control of Alan Harper and was trying to get him to marry her.  I knew that Alan's mind was being directed, so I had to find out how it was happening.

I went to a large glass building that housed a medical service specializing in brain operations.  Inside, I discovered that Chloris Leachman was there on the phone--and that she was the director of the institute.  Wandering around were various men wearing nicely tailored suits, who were missing the top of their scalps.  Their brains were glistening in the fluorescent lights.  I crept discretely through the upper floor and finally found Alan.

I told him we were leaving, and since his will was controllable, he shrugged and said "Okay."  We walked down the stairwell and went through the glass doors into the outside.  Upstairs, I could hear Chloris yelling; she had obviously discovered Alan was missing.  I knew what she would do next--call Alan on his cell phone.

Sure enough, Alan's phone rang.  He reached into his jacket and pulled it out, listened a moment, then said "Okay" and turned around.  He walked back through the doors and by the time I reached them, they were locked against me.

I saw that around the side of the building, there was another stairwell.  I walked up that and there was an unlocked door at the top.  I walked in, found Alan again in the same room, and took the phone from his jacket.  I placed the phone on the table and led Alan back down the stairs and outside.

Once we were heading to my car, I could hear Chloris yelling again.  A moment later, Alan said "I think my phone is ringing."  But he made no move to return to the institute.

"If it's important, they'll leave a message," I told him, hurrying him toward the car.  I was starting to wonder if he was worth all this trouble.  But I had my job to do and was determined to do it.


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