December 06, 2020


I was staying at a friend's house, and the family had all gone off to do some shopping.  So I was alone in their house.

I went outside and was looking at the angry sky overhead.  I'd heard that there was a tornado due to land nearby, but no one seemed to think it was a big deal.  From what I could gather, tornadoes were fairly common in this area and mostly harmless.  

I was looking at the sky, grey swirling clouds moving and dashing together, and I thought, I should get my camera and take some pictures of this.  I grabbed my camera, and at that point, the sky started doing some interesting things.

Tendrils of sky would flow downward, dance here and there, and retract.  There were at least three tendrils that would return to a swirling cloud mass.

And then a cloud mass I'd missed started becoming more aggressive, the winds were picking up, and I thought I should find shelter.  As I turned to go into the tornado shelter, I saw money on the driveway.  I turned to gather it, but saw that there was also a wrapped package of food nearby, so I figured that it was a food drop-off and I left both alone.  I saw bits of trash starting to blow around and gather on the walls.

When I got to the basement, my friend's family was already there.  I told them about the tornado, but they were unimpressed.  They were rather unhappy with me, as I'd failed to do the "tornado readiness" stuff, and as a result...the fold-away couch was filled with water.

I remembered the trash that was being accumulated against their house, and I laughed.


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