Dream 243
I was in New York City, staying in a cluster of very tall buildings, and I was on one of the upper floors. I was a very old man, and after looking out the window at the harbor below, I decided to take a nap.
When I awoke, I went back to the window and saw that a huge naval ship was lying on its side underwater. Concerned, I went to find a news source. That's when I learned that we had been attacked from the planet Mars, though no one knew if it was a colony revolting against the Earth or native Martians who had been responsible.
They were striking the Earth with huge spheroids, which somehow imbedded themselves into buildings without destroying them. For some reason, the Martians had detailed all the spheroids so they were copies of the Earth, with topographical detail in 3-D. They were all of a pale grey color, and they seemed to turn the buildings they struck into the same color.
Earth was trying to organize a defense, but everything was in chaos. Then someone found a radio, and we heard the voices of the attackers as they overran an area in Colorado. The voices were like nothing we'd heard, savage, high-pitched hooting.
Hank Hill, my father, tried to organize a group of people so we could escape the city. We wandered through the desolate wasteland for some time. I listened to the radio for more news, and Hank took it, saying "This darn thing doesn't even work." He wandered into a stream and dunked the radio under.
I pointed out that it did work, and he turned it on. I moved the dial up and down, and we could hear voices. "Well, shoot," he said, and gave it back to me.
I noticed that people seemed to be getting younger. I was hoping that would happen to me. I found my long-lost sister--she looked like she was seventeen. We sat across from each other and waited.
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