October 20, 2007


I was walking along the outside of the apartment building, when I saw that some folks up at one end had set up a garage sale. I decided to see if there was anything of interest.

One person was selling a “one-man” tent that was only about two feet tall, though the length and width were normal. I thought it looked uncomfortable, but the man selling it asked me to give it a try. So I lay down inside.

Within, it seemed much bigger than it was. A little girl wandered in, looked at me, and said, “I didn’t think you liked cats.” I told her that I did like them, that in fact I owned two of them. She smiled and shrugged, then snuggled up next to me.

While she lay there, many of the local cats came through the tent, walked over us, and went out again. This happened over the course of an hour or so.

Eventually, the little girl left the tent, and I followed. While walking back to my own apartment, I noticed the massing grey clouds overhead. It looks like it might snow, I thought, even though it was far too early in the season for snow.

The clouds were odd, though, ash-grey and unmoving, almost as if they were solid masses of pumice, rather than swirling water vapor.

I wondered if they might be solid, and bearing down on us, and if I should seek shelter. Though I was uncertain if any shelter would be sufficient against them.