April 12, 2023

Dream 244

Many of us were preparing for a major war that was to be waged across Middle Earth.  I boarded a Victorian era train, along with other volunteers, and waited for us to begin our journey.

We were soon off, traveling through exotic lands, through brightly lit glass cities; later the train travelled underwater through transparent tunnels and domes.  We could see a variety of strange sea creatures.  

The train stopped.  I grabbed a bag which I assumed would have weapons in it, and left the train.  I went inside a large Victorian house.  Crossing to the second floor, I saw Doctor Who lecturing people, while Sarah Jane Smith sat in the audience.  I smiled at her, and she wasn't sure how to react.  I had forgotten that we hadn't met yet, but would in a few years time.

I opened the bag I had brought from the train.  Inside were two dinner knives and a fork.  "Well, at least I won't die hungry," I said.