January 31, 2007


I was a guest on a talk show, along with Tom Baker (the actor best known for playing Doctor Who). He and the hostess were using a giant, metal framework to enact some of his better-known stories, and the audience were finding it very amusing. I took an award the hostess had won (an elegant looking sailing ship) from a mantlepiece, and I assisted them, by wielding it as a prop in the stories.

Finally, the hostess and Mr. Baker stopped playing and sat heavily on the couch, both exhausted and laughing. I said, about the award, "I'm going to put this back before I drop it," and carefully wound my way around the set back to the mantlepiece. As I did so, I asked, "What's next for Tom Baker?"

He replied, "I'd rather hear what's next for your writing? Where do you get your ideas?" He then proceded to tell us his method of writing, which was simply to repeat various first names ("Rex" and "Jane" being two examples), with an occasional interjection of "sex!"