May 18, 2010


There was a man who loved Wolverine's wife, and he was the leader of a group of three thieves. I was his second-in-command.

We flew around in small pods, like one-man airships. We were able to use our patterns of flight to steal various things. We could then hide them between dimensions and come back later for them.

The CIA was after us for a long time, but we were able to evade their traps. However, they caught us in a time loop which managed to crush our ships and kill us. Because they couldn't shut down the loop properly, this happened several times and we were able to think of an escape plan. We tried several methods, but each ended in our crushed ships. Our leader refused to see Wolverine's wife crying on a bench in the graveyard, so we redoubled our efforts.

It turned out that the third man, Vietelles, had an extra death. By arranging our four deaths around us, we were able to break the loop and escape the time loop.

I was secretly contacted by the CIA, and they told me that our escape meant that Wolverine's wife no longer existed in time. I was given evidence that convinced me that this wasn't a trap, and I said I would see what we could do. The CIA said they would catch us anyway, why not use that for good? The CIA had giant flying traps, large ear-shaped white caps that would lock onto a target and pursue it relentlessly.

I spoke to Vietelles and he was appalled at the price of our freedom, and he agreed with me that we had to change this. He said he would support my plan.

I tried to convince our leader that, in order for Wolferine's wife to be restored, we had to die. I asked him about the levels of pressure we had used in the past for robbery, and how we could use this.

He was silent for a while, then he told me about his father--a judge. When he was a child, his father was the only person who took his questions about pressure seriously when he was a child.

He then fell silent and I knew he was not going to change his course. I prepared to ram my ship into his