Dream CXV
My car was having some work done, so while I waited I walked over to a friend's house. She told me that there was a sidewalk sale being held downtown, so we decided to go and check it out.
She found some plug-in air fresheners and a roll of tape that had numbers written on it. I didn't really find anything I wanted, but a very beautiful silver tabby cat came over to me and rubbed against my leg. I reached down to pet her, and wondered if she was part of the sale, or just a cat that had wandered into the area.
We went back to her house and as we were walking down a hallway, I caught a glimpse of her cat. Her cat seemed very agitated; I looked into the room, and saw that the silver tabby was in the room as well. So were three other tabby cats, and a fourth, which turned out to be my cat. Both original cats seemed very distressed at these new arrivals.
My friend and I discussed what we should do about this new plethora of cats. We couldn't come to a satisfactory conclusion.