November 25, 2013


I was walking through an old building on a very dark, very gray evening.  I paused in front of one of the doorways and noticed that there was a shadow right on the floor that could not have been cast by any object. 

Experimentally, I put my foot near it, and slowly slid my shoe toward it, finally edging the toe into the darkness. 

My mind was instantly flooded with a gray haze, in which I could hear the stirrings of communication.  I could not identify any words, or even the use of a language at all, but I knew something was trying to communicate with me.  I sensed no hostility or evil intent, simply a curiosity about my world. 

From what little I could gather, the shadow was a reflection from some kind of world parallel to mine.  It was a kind of abrasion, where two surfaces from each world touched and thinned.  Beyond it, I could sense a dark, gray countryside full of skeletal trees, as well as another shadow. 

Just beyond the shadow was a man, dressed in a long coat.  I could see no details of him at all.  I wondered if he was the voice of the shadow, or if this was a parallel version of me...and I wondered if that other me was looking toward me, thinking of his own parallel self.