I had fallen asleep at my desk and dreamed that the owner had come by and asked how I was. I woke up and tried to get the tiredness out of my eyes.
A few minutes later, the owner actually came into the office, along with a number of her relatives and friends. I stood up and positioned myself in my cubicle door, so she couldn't see that I was actually working on personal things. She asked how I was, and asked what I did in the business.
I started with the basics, that I deployed computers to employees, and before I could go on to detail the many other duties I had, she pointed to her daughter. She said that if her daughter wanted to bring in her computer to work, how could that happen?
I explained that I would have to check the system out first, to make certain anti-virus and other security settings were up to date. She seemed to lose interest at this point, and pushed past me into my cube.
I had a personal laptop running PhotoShop, but she turned around and exited without saying anything. Then she turned to me and handed me some books, saying "I think these are yours." They were slim books about coding HTML. I thanked her and she and her party left the office.
I was trying to fit the HTML books among the rest of my books, arranged by author. A co-worker came over and asked what I was doing, and I explained. She then said, "Oh, don't forget this," and put a toy dump truck, wet and covered in sand, on top of my books.
"Hey!" I said. "Don't do that!" I then put the truck on top of some wet laundry.