December 14, 2024

Dream 264

I was sleeping on my ex-wife's couch when suddenly something thumped against me.  

It was a medium sized dog, some kind of hound by the look of him, with his paws on my chest.  He looked somewhat anxious.

"Who are you?" I asked him.  "How did you get in here?  Have you been here all night?"

I persuaded him to back up a little so I could get off the couch.  I put on a shirt and led him through the house to the front door.  The cats were spinning around, seemingly with excitement.

I let the dog outside and he trotted to the house across the street and blended in with a whole lot of other dogs.  I followed and stood just on the edge of the lawn.

Some of the dogs barked at me, but one came over to be petted.  He was so pleased to be petted.

Crossing the street, I went to the ex's apartment.  It was located on stilts behind another apartment, so I had to climb a ladder to get back inside.  Once up the ladder, I could see no way to enter, however.  There was a door located at the opposite end from the ladder, so I carefully crossed some wooden beams...but found that the door was below me with no way to reach it.

At this point, one of the neighbors started hammering nails into the wall, apparently in an attempt to fix their TV reception.  

I could now see the door where it should have been at the ladder, but wondered how I could get to it.

November 16, 2024

Dream 263

My former boss and I were out of work, and so we accepted an offer to live in my brother's house.  It was a nice, large ranch-style home with only a single floor.

It was carpeted throughout, and for some reason there were Legos scattered all over.  I did my best to avoid them when walking from room to room, as it was clear that someone was building things.  

I had two cats with me, a black cat and a stripped tabby.  They were wary of the new place, but got along okay.  Another person in the house had three kittens.  My cats didn't like them but stayed away.  I tried to pet them but they hissed and bit my fingers.

I went outside to visit the store.  While there, I noticed several ads for a Lego-based video game.  And slowly, various Lego-creations started manifesting in the real world.  They were largely insubstantial, like neon lights, but some of them were becoming quite solid.  

One was blocking my way back into the house.  When I asked politely if I could pass, it moved away slightly and with reluctance.  

Once back inside, I noticed that my fingers were filled with holes from the kitten bites.  I laughed and showed this to everyone, and they were horrified.

October 20, 2024

Dream 262

I was taking a nap on the couch, and dreamed that a huge amount of snow had fallen.  The dream was so vivid that I was certain that snow had actually piled up...even though it was late April, and snow would be unlikely.

I rose from my nap and looked out the window...and the ground was covered in snow, seemingly very deep drifts.  I went to point this out to the other people in the house.  They were very skeptical, one old man in fact told me it was "nonsense" that there was snow.  He was almost angry about it.

I went to point out the window, and a lot of the snow had disappeared.  In fact, when I looked more closely, it might have been nothing more than the way moonlight was falling on the ground.

September 29, 2024

Dream 261

It was the time of the town celebration.  The whole park had been set up as a fair.  The weather was sunny and warm.

Townsfolk wandered about, speaking pleasantly to one another and enjoying the various refreshments.  Children dashed hither and yon, shouting with delight.  

Two men got into an argument.  One shot the other in the neck, but instead of falling to the ground, his body was caught by dozens of balloon strings, which slowly lifted him into the forest canopy a hundred feet in the air.  There, he was tangled in the branches, which slowly wrapped around him until he was completely hidden.  His body was never found.

August 17, 2024

Dream 260

Two large red gelatin candies were arguing that they should be given a bus route to the storage depot.  When asked if they knew the route, they replied, somewhat peevishly, that they drove this route seventeen times every day, of course they knew the route.

July 24, 2024

Dream 259

It was the time of the town celebration.  The whole park had been set up as a fair, and people were milling around enjoying the sunshine.  There were some rides and exhibits.  It was a charming time.

They only sour note was when two men got into an argument.  The argument started quietly but quickly escalated.  People gathered and watched.  

One man drew a revolver and shot the other in the neck, but instead of falling to the ground, the man's body was caught by dozens of balloon strings, which slowly lifted him into the forest canopy a hundred feet in the air.  There, he was tangled in the branches and was slowly swallowed up into the leaves.  

His body was never found.

June 23, 2024

Dream 258

I was on top of the mountain at a film festival held in a nice luxurious resort.  In the hotel, walking through the lobby, I noticed that there was a bowl of candy overturned.  "That's odd," I thought, wondering if that meant the festival wasn't going well.  

I passed a table of movie producers who were trying to hawk their upcoming productions.  They were extremely obnoxious and loud.  They waved handfuls of their DVDs at me, "Do you want them?  They're right here."  I told them I'd think about it.

I decided I needed some air; I really didn't want to see any of the films offered on this day.  So I walked around the resort grounds, which were beautifully maintained.  

Just past the resort grounds, I met a Golden Retriever.  She was very friendly and full of energy.  I saw from her nametag that her name was Meghan.  "Hello, Meghan," I said, and she perked up, and seemed to want me to follow her.  Even though retrievers are enthusiastic about everything, I gathered that this was serious.

So, I followed her down the mountain.  This was more difficult than I thought it would be, as we had to cross over creeks and other running water, usually by carefully walking over trees that had fallen and bridged the streams.  

Finally, she led me into a small town near the base of the mountain, and into the town's main business, which was a combination grocery/convenience/bookstore shop.  I looked over the selection of books, which mostly seemed to be about appreciating the wilderness and what to do if you found yourself in it.  The lady who ran the store was very nice and friendly.  "Oh, it looks like Meghan has brought another friend in!"   I explained that Meghan seemed to feel that there was some urgency in my being here, and the lady looked concerned.  

"When was the old man shuttle?" she called to someone I couldn't see.  Someone answered from the kitchen, but I couldn't make out what was said.  

She turned back to me and looked serious.  "Take change from the child's seat."  She pointed at something in a nearby trolley car that was wrapped in a plastic blanket.  I walked over and picked it up.

Meghan barked and wagged her tail.  Her face was a look of appreciation - pure appreciation.  I honestly did not know what I had done to earn this expression, but her expression was so pure, my knees gave way and I knelt and started to cry.