September 29, 2024

Dream 261

It was the time of the town celebration.  The whole park had been set up as a fair.  The weather was sunny and warm.

Townsfolk wandered about, speaking pleasantly to one another and enjoying the various refreshments.  Children dashed hither and yon, shouting with delight.  

Two men got into an argument.  One shot the other in the neck, but instead of falling to the ground, his body was caught by dozens of balloon strings, which slowly lifted him into the forest canopy a hundred feet in the air.  There, he was tangled in the branches, which slowly wrapped around him until he was completely hidden.  His body was never found.

August 17, 2024

Dream 260

Two large red gelatin candies were arguing that they should be given a bus route to the storage depot.  When asked if they knew the route, they replied, somewhat peevishly, that they drove this route seventeen times every day, of course they knew the route.

July 24, 2024

Dream 259

It was the time of the town celebration.  The whole park had been set up as a fair, and people were milling around enjoying the sunshine.  There were some rides and exhibits.  It was a charming time.

They only sour note was when two men got into an argument.  The argument started quietly but quickly escalated.  People gathered and watched.  

One man drew a revolver and shot the other in the neck, but instead of falling to the ground, the man's body was caught by dozens of balloon strings, which slowly lifted him into the forest canopy a hundred feet in the air.  There, he was tangled in the branches and was slowly swallowed up into the leaves.  

His body was never found.

June 23, 2024

Dream 258

I was on top of the mountain at a film festival held in a nice luxurious resort.  In the hotel, walking through the lobby, I noticed that there was a bowl of candy overturned.  "That's odd," I thought, wondering if that meant the festival wasn't going well.  

I passed a table of movie producers who were trying to hawk their upcoming productions.  They were extremely obnoxious and loud.  They waved handfuls of their DVDs at me, "Do you want them?  They're right here."  I told them I'd think about it.

I decided I needed some air; I really didn't want to see any of the films offered on this day.  So I walked around the resort grounds, which were beautifully maintained.  

Just past the resort grounds, I met a Golden Retriever.  She was very friendly and full of energy.  I saw from her nametag that her name was Meghan.  "Hello, Meghan," I said, and she perked up, and seemed to want me to follow her.  Even though retrievers are enthusiastic about everything, I gathered that this was serious.

So, I followed her down the mountain.  This was more difficult than I thought it would be, as we had to cross over creeks and other running water, usually by carefully walking over trees that had fallen and bridged the streams.  

Finally, she led me into a small town near the base of the mountain, and into the town's main business, which was a combination grocery/convenience/bookstore shop.  I looked over the selection of books, which mostly seemed to be about appreciating the wilderness and what to do if you found yourself in it.  The lady who ran the store was very nice and friendly.  "Oh, it looks like Meghan has brought another friend in!"   I explained that Meghan seemed to feel that there was some urgency in my being here, and the lady looked concerned.  

"When was the old man shuttle?" she called to someone I couldn't see.  Someone answered from the kitchen, but I couldn't make out what was said.  

She turned back to me and looked serious.  "Take change from the child's seat."  She pointed at something in a nearby trolley car that was wrapped in a plastic blanket.  I walked over and picked it up.

Meghan barked and wagged her tail.  Her face was a look of appreciation - pure appreciation.  I honestly did not know what I had done to earn this expression, but her expression was so pure, my knees gave way and I knelt and started to cry.

May 08, 2024

Dream 257

I was walking across the campus as the evening fell, and as I passed some tall trees, I heard a very strange cry.  I looked up and saw some strange looking owls.  They were beautiful, with a large red crest.

I took out my phone to take some pictures, but my camera app would not cooperate.  Night was falling, and the chief owl started flying around; every now and then his tail emitted a soft green light beam, about four feet in length.  

I really wanted some photos then, and desperately tried to aim my camera and just started shooting, hoping I would get something.

When I returned to the main building, I wandered through the milling crowds and sat on a bench to look at the pictures.  Somehow, all my photos had become badly distorted.  I showed some of them to a woman I'd met previously, and she thought they appeared ominous.  I thought the best thing to do was to turn the phone off, but none of the buttons responded.

I then showed them to James from work, and at that point they started infecting reality.  A group of men in suits in front of us suddenly had rivulets of meat entwined around them, and large white areas had been spun over their upper bodies.  

Once again I tried to turn the phone off, but with no luck.  I held the buttons in until my fingers ached but the phone would not turn off.

April 14, 2024

Dream 256

Some people in the head office in Nashville had come down to our work area to demonstrate some new technology.  When they had left, I noticed they had forgotten several pieces of this equipment.  I knew it was too late to catch them, but I offered that, if someone could drive me to the subway station, I could deliver it back to them in Nashville.

People were willing to take me, but cautioned that the trip would take "at least six hours."  So they suggested I take overnight supplies and come back the next morning.  The company would pay for a hotel stay.

They also suggested that Melanie Elliot accompany me, as she had business in Nashville.  And we set off.

The trip was uneventful, though it only seemed to take a little more than an hour.  Once we got to Nashville, we separated and went on our errands.  I was looking for the executive who had demonstrated the equipment to us.  

I met a woman who I only knew from phone conversations.  She turned out to be a giant, ambulatory head, and she appeared to be in ill health.  

I finally found the exec, and returned his equipment.  He told me that most of it was now outdated.  He showed me a connective unit that would be very important down the road.  "What does it connect to?" I asked.  He said he would love to show me, but the unit had a virus in it which could be dangerous.  He started to hook it up to an old machine, but the PC apparently lacked the proper ports.  

News began filtering in that the president's car had crashed.  Reports were conflicting as to the cause and to the number and extent of casualties.  I heard one report saying everyone in the car was fine, but I saw a picture on TV that showed bodies strewn around the seats.  

People were keeping up with the news by buying copies of People magazine, which was printing updated dispatches whenever there was new information.   The elevator operators were handing out issues to anyone who asked.

March 25, 2024

Dream 255

I was doing research on how various animal bodies reduced to ash when exposed to heat sources.  This was done on dead specimens, so no animals were killed.  I had a collection of ashes in a kind of satchel that was loaded with small pockets, and I had everything sorted properly, but I wondered how I was going to deliver it.

It turned out that David Attenborough had a similar kind of satchel, and it fit inside a special pressure suit that was designed to withstand the heat of the sun.  He was using it to collect various sun samples, which he was going to transfer through the suit's room connection (a long, thick tube).  He told me that once he was done, he'd be happy to transfer my samples as well.